Beyond Schedules and Speakers: Data TLV in a nutshell

Many of us have hobbies. Some hobbies are quite common, such as travelling, painting, or playing computer games.

I, however, have a rather unique hobby: organizing conferences. The more complicated the logistics and the more people who sign up, the more enjoyable it becomes. Yet, this hobby is quite time-consuming, time that could be dedicated to family or sleep.

As the event day approaches, the tension mounts. There are too many details to manage, too many things to take care of. The feeling of being overwhelmed and terrified at the same time, creeps in, as mishaps can occur at any moment. This is especially true in our small, brave country where the sound of rocket alarms can disrupt seemingly peaceful moments, with potentially dire consequences.

But eventually, the day arrives, and the energy is overwhelming. Rooms are filled with eager delegates ready to learn. There are excited speakers, delighted sponsors, and an abundance of delicious food, beer, and networking opportunities.

I want to extend my gratitude to the Data TLV team. They are my kindred spirits, sharing the same passion for organizing conferences. You guys are amazing, you are the soul of Data TLV. I am thrilled to collaborate with you. Here's to many more successful events!


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