
Showing posts from August, 2010

Replication fun: setting NFR on all objects

If you ever tried to set up replication on the large environment with numerous servers, hundreds of databases then you, for sure, spend some time searching/writing scripts to set flag NOT FOR REPLICATION on thousands of identities, constraints and triggers. I want to share here my scripts and I hope it will save some readers hours of headache. Feel free to use them, just add comments below - there is nothing better than feedback. Here we go. ******************************************************************************** 1. Identities. The resutset is a list of identity columns on all tables in all databases where NOT FOR REPLICATION option is not set and fixing script: DROP TABLE #IdentityNFR CREATE TABLE #IdentityNFR (ServerName varchar(250), Dbname varchar(250),TableName varchar(250), IdentityColName varchar(250), IsNFR varchar(10),FixingScript varchar(4000)) exec sp_MSforeachdb ' IF ''?'' NOT IN (''tempdb'',''master'',''mo...